Heritage & Modernity

with the kind support of the Allianz Culture Foundation

Meet Heritage and Modernity Participants and listen to there impressions.

     Listen to Kajsa Magnarsson ( Sweden)

Listen to Samantha Fernando ( UK)

      For more information and Voices, please visit our Heritage and Modernity Blog

Heritage and Modernity Photo Album






Heritage & Modernity is the headline of the academic section of these projects. In the course of the program, composers and musicologists will on the one hand discuss the relationship between different musical traditions and European Modernism, and on the other hand shed some light on the significance of the cultural heritage from an artistic and a socio-political viewpoint. Moreover, several invited composers and some composers who have proactively approached us will be given the opportunity to interact with the involved Egyptian and Arab musicians, to hear top-notch Arab concerts, and to work individually with some of the best traditional instrumentalists in Egypt. All guests will be invited to participate in the roundtables and seminars and to present their own advances in their respective fields. Especially valuable will be the exchange with composers Oscar Bianchi and Zaid Jabri, whose works in a way constitute first approaches towards a consolidation that can facilitate the introduction of the unusual subject matter to young composers, and who will mentor the development of their new compositional ideas.
Covering four days, the event is planned for late April 2016, parallel to the Cairo Contemporary Music Days. An international call will follow in October.

Our team currently work hard to secure Travel grants for young composers particularly from some disable regions. We will be more than grateful for foundation and culture institutions may like to help and facilitate Young Composers to attend.

When and Where!! 11th to 14th April 2016 we are thrilled to announce the partnership with Department for the arts of the American University in Cairo. Both Down Town ( Ewart Memorial Hall) and New Cairo (  Malak Gabr Theater) venues are booked to host Heritage and Modernity.

Main Partners of the project are Gaudeamus Muziekweek and the Lithuanian Ensemble Network.

EZZ-Studio-311Heritage and Modernity Schedule 2016

Heritage and Modernity Programme

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 Composers LAB

 Meet all Participants

ملتقى المؤلفين المعاصرين الشباب


We gladly welcome 20 promising composers in our Heritage and Modernity’s platform Y-Lab. Those composers are from a wide span of countries and between them Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Iceland, Belgium, the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan and the Philippines. The EECMS is also expected to participate with six composers from Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, France and Iraq. Such composers were highly recommended by their countries’ most achieving musical institutions and they are showing excellence in the meantime and expected to continue doing so in the future. It has been a very difficult and long process of filtration and selection that led to the finalists’ list we have now and for that we would like to thank all supporting partners on their efforts in this initial process. Amongst such supporters and partners, there are the Japan Foundation, UNM Sweden and International Society for Contemporary Music, especially the sections of the following countries: Lithuania, Wallonia, Latvia, Sweden, Romania, Iceland and Basque Country. We are also very grateful for the support of the Allianz Culture Foundation for helping with the execution of a great part of the fringe program that will be offered to all Heritage and Modernity participants.

الجمعية الاوربية المصرية للموسيقى المعاصرة ترحب بحماس انضمام عشرون من المؤلفين الواعدين منتدى ألمؤلفين الشباب للموسيقى المعاصرة و هو احد المنصات المعول على النجاح الكبير لها في اطار ملتقى التراث و الحداثة في ابريل ألقادم بالقاهرة. هذا اللفيف المتميز من المؤلفين الموسيقيين المعاصرين الشباب ألواعدين من عدة دول اوروبية من بينهم ليتوانيا و لاتفيا و السويد و استونيا و ايسلندة و بلجيكا و المملكة المتحدة و هولندا و اسبانيا و و دول شرق أسيا كاليابان و الفيليبين. و من المتوقع ان تشارك الجمعية الاوربية المصرية بست مؤلفين من جانبها من مصر و الاردن و فلسطين و فرنسا و العراق. وقد تم تزكيته ألمؤلفين من قبل مؤسسات موسيقية لها باع كبير في مجال الموسيقى و التأليف الموسيقى المعاصر على وجه الخصوص. و قد قمنا باختيار هؤلاء المؤلفين بمنتهى الدقة مع التركيز على مقوماتهم الفنية المتميزة في مجال التأليف الموسيقي المعاصر. و بعد ان قطعنا شوطاً لا بأس به في الاستعداد لهذا الحدث الكبير نريد ان نخص بالشكر الداعمين لهذا المشروع و منهم لمؤسسة اليابانية مؤسسة دول الشمال لموسيقى الشباب في السويد و الجمعية الدولية للموسيقى المعاصرة في كل من الدول الاتية: ليتوانيا و والونيا و لاتفيا و السويد و رومانيا و ايسلندة و دولة الباسك. و آخراً وليس آخيراً نعرب عن شديد امتناننا لدعم مؤسسة آلايانز الثقافية للمساعدة في العمل على تنفيذ برنامج الملتقى ومحتوياتة

For now, the focus will be more on finalising all needed procedures for current participants and that means that we are, unfortunately, not able to accept any further applicants to participate.Also, There would rather be more concentration on facilitating the processes of participation of composers from the Middle East. If there are any generous foundations or other supporters of unique art out there and would like to offer more support, it would be a great chance for collaboration and you can contact us about it here on:


و يتم التركيز الآن  بشكل اكبر على انهاء الاجراءات المطلوبة لتأمين سفر المؤلفين المشاركين و تسهيل مشاركة المؤلفين من الشرق الاوسط. و من المؤسف ان نعلن انة سيتعذر علينا قبول اي متقدمين جدد للمشاركة و خاصةً بعد الاقبال الكبير ولكن يسمح لجميع المؤلفين لمصرين الحضور والتفاعل مع المؤلفين الزائرين فى حالة تسجيل الاسم و رقم الهوية الشخصية وذلك لدواعى أمنية.

نرحب بأي دعم مؤسسي من مقدري و داعمي الموسيقى والفنون المعاصرة و على من يهمه الامر التواصل معنا على الإيميل التالي




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The World of Yi Ji -Young







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UnbenanntCaprice at the Manasterly Palace



Heritage and Modernity Media Coverage






With the kind support and in collaboration with:

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